Sunshine over Kincardine

The Coalfields Regeneration Trust Scotland has been actively across several of Fife’s coal mining villages and towns for a number of years, leading projects and events that give people a greater say in how their place evolves.

We were commissioned by CRT to document one of their lively 4-day charrettes held in the excellent town of Kincardine, Fife. Famous for its bridge, it is also the birthplace of Thermos vacuum flask inventor, James Dewar.

Tucked away in the corner of Fife but with great transport links, Kincardine has a strong identity, social connectedness and civic pride. Perched on the Firth of Forth, it's charm is visible from the sky - a vantage point that will hopefully assist residents, architects and planners to take stock of the town as it grows.

The waterfront by the bridge became the focus of Place Standard surveys and dialogue led by Oliver Chapman Architects. Currently hemmed in by the railway track fence, many folk in the community want to open up the waterfront, creating places for local people and tourists alike to get out and experience it. 

Oliver’s team also explored different ways to better connect and signpost local assets, including Devilla Forest, RSPB Skinflats reserve, and Longannet, Scotland’s last remaining coal-fired power station which is due to be demolished next year. We''ll be watching with interest to see how Kincardine evolves from here. 

Thank you to the community for welcoming us in, and to our drone pilot, Pete Maughan, for flying us around Kincardine safely on such a nice day.